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Self-love is the most critical and important aspect of life. You have to prioritize yourself above anyone else, and I don’t mean this in a selfish way. To truly love, care for, and appreciate others, you must first learn to love yourself. Self-love should form the foundation of your life, and it should be strong and fulfilling. However, it is easier said than done and requires practice, patience, and a process. It is an ongoing journey because there are many factors such as abuse, trauma, self-harm, and societal pressures that challenge your vulnerability. Nevertheless, self-love acts as a powerful shield, preventing any negative influences from prospering. Today, I challenge you to prioritize self-love so that you can share love with others.

Live, love, laugh and positive vibes until next time.

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MAJORSTAGE Presents Live: Soberichs

August 23, 2022

You don’t want to miss the show that’s featuring:



Nia Zhane

Nina Mone

Queen Belle

The show is for grown folks(21 and up)and leave the drama at home! No Covid-19 testing required.

Tickets: $27.50 and doors open up at 7:00p.m. to get your drink on.

To purchase tickets, click on the link and select Soberichs.

Please share with anyone in the NewYork, NY area. #NewYork #majorstage #soberichs #R&B #Blacktwitter #Blackvoices

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I remember when life was complicated but so simple. Growing up in an arduous environment that didn’t offer much hope. Hanging out with my girlfriends, walking the streets with no particular place to go. We were just chillin’, listening to music as it was food, solace, and healin’. We had no care in the world and all we could think about was our next hair style, latest attire, boy crush, and the mean girls. We’d meet up the next day after school and it was the same rinse and repeat agenda. Oh yeah, I remember when we first heard the Sugar Hill Gang, Rapper’s Delight and six years later, Run-DMC’s Peter Piper was on the Top 100 list. It was hip-hop without the bitches, hoes, and violence. We lost our minds listening to the beat of those cowbells. I remember those good ole days, of hop-scotch, red light-green light, hide-n-seek, that’s my car, dodgeball, and writing with chalk on the sidewalks, “he loves me, he loves me not.” Miss Mary Mack all dressed in black, and pumping our fist to the 18-wheelers to honk their horns. Running behind the ice-cream truck to buy the red, white, and blue ice cream bomb. Man, I remember when the roller-skating rink was our escape. We’d say, meet me at Goliad at such and such time and don’t be late. We thought we were fine and young, skating backwards and forwards, with lollipops in our mouths sticking out our red, blue, and purple tongues. Yeah, we were young and innocent in a complicated world. I remember….

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New Music – Soberichs (Oceans)

Soberichs – Oceans (Official Video) Oceans out now:……

Follow Soberichs:…

Music video by Soberichs performing Oceans. © 2022 Soberichs.

Check out Official YouTube video (Don’t forget to “Like” and “Subscribe”)

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Get The Monkey(s) Off Your Back

We have heard the old adage, “get the monkey off your back” but like what does it mean when you don’t have a monkey/animal on your back? Well, technically, you do and everyone does, but many will ignore them and continue to hang on to the monkey(s) until their dying days. The monkey(s) I’m referring to are bitterness, resentment, hate, fear, envy, or whatever is causing you unhappiness. It’s time to acknowledge those monkeys and transition into a better you by forgiving people who have done you dirty, whether it’s your parents, spouse, significant other, friends, family, co-worker, pastor, and the list goes on. There are many monkey(s) that fit the description, so we are going to call them all out and start our healing journey TODAY.

Let’s start with childhood, you didn’t have the greatest parents in the world. They were abusive, drug addicts, abandonment, neglectful, or piss poor excuses as any type of role models. Basically, being raised by your parents, the odds were stacked against you. I get it, you have Mommy and/or Daddy issues but let’s turn the early days of your rearing into something positive, had you not been raised in that manner, would you be the person you are today? Had you not been raised in poverty, would you have a fear of failure that has taught you to budget, save, and be more financially responsible as an adult? Would you be a go-getter? Whether your answer is yes, no, or maybe, it’s time to get the monkey(s) off your back.

Your significant other was a cheater, abuser, a no good SOB. (S)He caused your drug addiction, low self-esteem, or demise. You wish you had never met the grimy, narcissistic, controlling, self-absorbed, cheap, fill in(the blank) any type of adjective to describe the person. Yup, we all have been the fool for a fool. But what did you learn from the toxic relationship and did it give you the tools necessary to grow and handle future encounters?

You can choose your friends but not your family. In fact, your family has caused you more heartaches, headaches, and ass aches than any known foe. The truth of the matter is, you still love them but don’t like their actions. And it’s a little harder to forgive or get the monkey off your back because after all, they are FAMILY, BLOOD, and RELATED to you.

Somebody, somewhere, and somehow needs to read this blog and realize that it’s time to address the monkey(s) and get them off your back once and for all. Let’s be realistic, this is not a quickie, a sprint, or relay, the process is a step-by-step marathon depending on how deeply you have been hurt. In fact, it probably won’t ever happen, but, it’s not because it can’t, it’s due to the fact that YOU won’t let it. You continue to feed the beast that’s robbing your happiness, sucking all your positive energy, and short-changing your blessings. The monkey is you, self-destructing.

The journey has been long, hard, dreadful, and you are tired of being sick and tired. You are waving the white flag, not to surrender to the monkey(s), oh no, you are doing it for you. You will no longer succumb to the resentment, anger, frustration, and sleepless nights trying to control the uncontrollable. You are taking back your strength, energy, and freedom of life to heal your mental state. You are looking in the mirror TODAY, RIGHT NOW, and saying, “I LOVE ME AND I’M GOING TO SHOW ME HOW MUCH.” And you are going to continue to do this daily until it manifest. You will do this for each and every monkey. You will take back your power and use it for betterment. You will love you from this day forward so that you can spread the love to those around you, and it becomes a domino effect. You will free yourself from the monkey(s). It’s long overdue, and the time is now.

Good bye,



Have a nice life,

GET THE GETTIN’, monkey(s).

Live, love, laugh and positive vibes until next time.

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Kansas City’s R&B Artist (Roosevelt Broome)

How Poetic

Kansas City’s native, Roosevelt Broome has dropped his second EP on June 4, 2021. How Poetic is a mix of R&B and new Hip-Hop and has become an all-time favorite in my playlist. Roosevelt sings about hardships and relationships but turns it into a creative style of melodious tunes. He is an artist that can do it all from romancing the microphone to a versatile style of hip-hop. How Poetic features five songs:

  1. Elevate
  2. No Rush(Remix) Featuring Myles Allen
  3. Never Call Me
  4. WhyamIsorry
  5. Is This Love?

Roosevelt’s first EP, Go Ahead, Explain is another banger that speaks truths about situations, and How Poetic is a follow-up to the breakthrough album that is lyrical, brilliant, and soulful. The poetical bars are for young at heart listeners, no age limit requirement. Although, it is paternal advisory explicit content, I would consider it mild. If you are into music that is fresh, new, urban, creative, debonair, and downright fire then I dare you to download Roosevelt’s EPs(Go Ahead, Explain and How Poetic) available on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, and just about any streaming music app. Trust me when I say, you will know who Roosevelt Broome is nationwide.

Go Ahead, Explain [Explicit]
Go Ahead, Explain

Links to EPs on Amazon music